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Debt Limit Debate

Debt Limit Debate House Republicans have set goals on the debt limit. “It says that we don’t want to agree to a debt limit without some sort of a control mechanism, budget reforms, spending reforms,” Rep. Hill (R-AR) said of the agreement, declining to elaborate on any concrete requirements regarding a debt-limit vote. Rep. Roy…

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IRS Funding Rescission

IRS Funding Rescission The House voted to cut nearly $80 billion from the IRS over the next decade. The agency said that the funds were to be used to hire personnel to address tax enforcement and improve taxpayer services and technology.  The House GOP’s rationale for the proposed cut is to try and prevent 87,000…

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Taxes and Regulatory Concerns on the Horizon

Taxes and Regulatory Concerns on the Horizon Taxes: While, the omnibus spending bill that passed at the end of 2022 included a number of provisions (good and bad).  In particular, the bill did not address a number of expiring and expired tax provisions.  Notably among these is the deduction for research and development (R&D) investment. …

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Brianna Wright Memorial Scholarship Fund

Click Here to Apply for the Brianna Wright Memorial Scholarship Fund Brianna Wright Memorial Scholarship Fund Are you an Executive Director or Chapter Leadership member and interested in attending SUBExcel, but are worried that you don’t have the funds required due to financial constraints or your chapter lacking event funds?  Please consider applying for the Brianna…

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ASA Government Relations 2022 Recap

Photo taken at the White House Holiday Reception on Monday, December 12, 2022! ASA Government Relations 2022 Recap Despite the ever-changing political, regulatory, and legislative landscape, the ASA Government Relations Team wanted to briefly update you on our 2022 legislative successes as we enter the holiday season. Though this year has proven to be challenging,…

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Election of Speaker

Election of a Speaker For the first time in a century, a House speaker nominee failed to get the votes on the first ballot.  Since Tuesday, the House has voted on six failed ballots to determine the next Speaker of the House. The House Republicans only have a 222-213 majority; thereby, Kevin McCarthy, the Majority…

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Subcontractor Legal Defense Fund Spotlight

Subcontractor Legal Defense Fund Spotlight The courts are a key battleground in the fight for subcontractor rights. The American Subcontractors Association’s (ASA) Subcontractors Legal Defense Fund (SLDF) supports critical legal activities to protect the interests of all construction subcontractors. The funds invest in precedent-setting litigation to establish subcontractors’ rights across the country. Our ASA members…

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President Pro Tempore Sen. Murray D-WA

President Pro Tempore Sen. Murray D-WA Sen. Murray (D-WA) was elected as the first woman to serve in the constitutional office of president pro tempore. Murray was the choice of the Democratic caucus after Sen. Feinstein (D-CA), the longest-serving member of the majority this Congress, made it known she was passing on being considered. Per…

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