Learn more about ASA Awards!
ASA Certificate of Excellence in Ethics
ASA National Construction Best Practices Awards
President's Award
Subcontractor Federal and State Advocate Awards
Attorneys' Council Award
John H. Hampshire Distinguished Lifetime Service Award
Timmy L. McLaughlin Exemplary Leadership Award
ASA Outstanding Service Award
ASA Chapter and Chapter Leadership Awards
ASA Safety Award
NEW! Chapter Achievements
ASA Certificate of Excellence in Ethics

ASA Certificate of Excellence in Ethics is not an awards competition but rather a program recognizing subcontractors for their commitment to ASA values. Those values include topics such as quality construction and a safe and healthy work environment. Each applicant is required to respond to questions concerning the firm’s corporate ethics policies and procedures, its construction practices, and its general business practices. Each applicant also is required to submit detailed documentation, including sealed letters of recommendation from a customer, a competitor, and a supplier.
ASA will honor selected firms that demonstrate the highest standards of internal and external integrity during an awards ceremony honoring those firms for their stellar work.
- Watch the Certificate of Excellence in Ethics Video.
- Download the 2024 ASA Certificate of Excellence in Ethics Brochure
- Download the 2024 ASA Certificate of Excellence in Ethics Application.
- ASA provides useful model documents to help with your submission and your ethics program.
Download the 2024 ASA Certificate of Excellence in Ethics Resources Guide. - Download the 2024 ASA Certificate of Excellence in Ethics Timeline.
- ASA’s Certificate of Excellence in Ethics Program Q&A LinkedIn Group—a forum for getting answers to your questions about the awards and application process. This forum includes current award recipients who have been through the application process and are willing to help guide new applicants through their application process. (Be sure to log-in to your LinkedIn account first.)
- Recipients of the 2032 ASA Certificate of Excellence in Ethics may re-apply for 2024 using the Re-Certification Form.
Download the 2024 Re-Certification Form. - Download the ASA Model Code of Ethics for a Construction Subcontractor.
Application deadline: Dec. 31, 2024.
ASA National Construction Best Practices Awards
The ASA National Construction Best Practices Awards recognize prime contractors that exemplify the values of subcontractors, treat subcontractors fairly through use of level-playing-field contract terms, and consider subcontractors part of their core project teams. The program’s rigorous criteria include the use of a standard subcontract whose provisions substantially reflect the best practices incorporated into the ASA-endorsed ConsensusDocs 750 Standard Agreement Between Constructor and Subcontractor, as well as highly favorable evaluations from three specialty trade contractors, based on 20 project management factors.
ASA offers national recognition to prime contractors that are committed to superior business practices like prompt payment. ASA’s annual National Construction Best Practices Awards, developed by the Task Force on Ethics in the Construction Industry, recognize elite prime contractors that uphold best practices and refuse to do business according to the “lowest common denominator.” The application fee is $495. Each prime-contractor applicant must supply three sealed business-practices recommendations from specialty trade contractors that have worked for it in the past year, along with a copy of its standard subcontract, with its application.
- Watch the National Construction Best Practices Award Video.
- Prime contractors: Download the 2023 National Construction Best Practices Award Application Form.
- Specialty trade contractors: Download the 2023 National Construction Best Practices Award Form for Evaluating the Applicant's Business Practices.
- ASA Chapters: Download the ASA Chapter Guideline for Processing the 2023 National Construction Best Practices Award and other materials under Documents in the Info Hub (Member Log-In Required).
Application deadline: June 30, 2025.
President’s Award
The ASA President’s Award is given by the current ASA president on a discretionary basis to an individual who has helped the president the most during his or her term.
Subcontractor Federal and State Advocate Awards
These awards spotlight organizations and individuals who dedicate themselves to advocate on both the federal and state government level on behalf of construction subcontractors, specialty trade contractors and suppliers. Nominees do not have to be affiliated with ASA and there is no fee for nominations. Applications are judged by a working group of the ASA Task Force on Government Advocacy.
Download the Subcontractor State Advocate Award Application
Download the Subcontractor Federal Advocate Award Application
Application Deadline: June 30, 2025.
Attorneys' Council Award
This award was established to honor an Attorneys' Council member who dedicates their time and professional expertise toward supporting subcontractor rights and issues and offering guidance on legislative language to benefit those subcontractors. The award will be presented to an outstanding attorney who has gone above the call of duty to advance and protect the rights of our members in the preceding year. Applications will be judged by a working group of the Government Relations Committee and the Chair of the ASA Attorneys' Council.
Download the Attorneys' Council Award Application
Application Deadline: June 30, 2025.
John H. Hampshire Distinguished Lifetime Service Award
ASA’s highest and most prestigious honor, the John H. Hampshire Distinguished Lifetime Service Award is presented to an individual for outstanding lifetime contribution to ASA National and the subcontracting industry. The award is presented to an individual who shares the vision of ASA’s early leaders, and dedicates his or her lifetime working to achieve that vision. John H. Hampshire, Inc., is a Baltimore, Md.-based subcontractor that helped found ASA.
Download the Individual Awards Application
Application Deadline: June 30, 2025.
Timmy L. McLaughlin Exemplary Leadership Award
The Timmy L. McLaughlin Exemplary Leadership Award is presented periodically to an individual in special recognition of exemplary leadership. The award is named for Timmy L. McLaughlin, who passed away suddenly on June 9, 2011, during his term as 2010-11 ASA President. He was general manager of Austin Construction Company Inc., Summerville, S.C.
Download the Individual Awards Application
Application Deadline: June 30, 2025.
ASA Outstanding Service Award
The ASA Outstanding Service Award is presented periodically to an individual in special recognition of outstanding achievement.
Download the Individual Awards Application
Application Deadline: June 30, 2025.
ASA Chapter and Chapter Leadership Awards

ASA Chapter Awards
The Chapter of the Year is presented to the three chapters—one with fewer than 50 members, the second with 50 to 100 members, and the third with more than 100 members—that exemplified outstanding achievement in chapter operations and member service during the previous fiscal year.
Chapter of the Year—Under 50 Members
Chapter of the Year—50 to 100 Members
Chapter of the Year—Over 100 Members
Innovation Award
Some ASA chapters and state organizations are content to rely on “tried and true” programs and services, while others seek to “break the mold” and try new and different initiatives. ASA’s Innovation Award is targeted at the latter group—the chapters and state organizations that have developed creative or innovative programs and services that benefit their members during the previous fiscal year.
- Download the Chapter Awards Application (2023).
- Download the ASA Chapter Bi-Annual Compliance Report (2023) (This report is for use in conjunction with ASA Chapter & Chapter Leadership Awards for those chapters that did not complete and submit the compliance report in 2022).
- Download the ASA Chapter Annual Best Practices Report (2023). (This report is for use in conjunction with ASA Chapter & Chapter Leadership Awards).
Application deadline: June 30, 2025.
ASA Chapter Leadership Awards
President of the Year
The President of the Year is presented to the ASA chapter or state organization president, whose service took place during the previous fiscal year and whose superior leadership efforts and service to his/her association motivated it to achieve its goals. Entries must detail what the president’s and the association’s goals were, how he/she accomplished these goals, and how his/her actions benefited the association. Only local association directors or staff may submit nominations.
Executive Director of the Year
The ASA Executive Director of the Year is presented to a chapter or state organization executive director for outstanding performance in overall association management during the previous fiscal year. Entries must outline specific goals that the staff person was asked to achieve, the resources that were available, and how the executive accomplished the projects. Only local association officers or directors may submit nominations. Association employees may not nominate themselves or their co-workers.
New Executive Director of the Year
The ASA New Executive Director of the Year is presented to a chapter or state organization executive director, who began service during the previous fiscal year, for outstanding performance in overall association management. Entries must outline specific goals that the staff person was asked to achieve, the resources that were available, and how the executive accomplished the projects. Only local association officers or directors may submit nominations. Association employees may not nominate themselves or their co-workers.
Application deadline: June 30, 2025.
ASA Safety Recognition Program
The ASA Annual Safety Recognition program represents ASA’s commitment to recognize members in each chapter that make safety and safety education a priority in their company. The companies recognized will be those that go above and beyond to ensure their employees, and everyone on the jobsite, goes home to their families after every workday.
Download the Safety Recognition Application
Application Deadline: Dec. 31, 2023.
ASA Chapter Achievement Awards
The ASA Chapter Achievement awards will recognize the outstanding contributions and notable accomplishments of chapter members and leaders.
Awards will be presented in the following categories based on the criteria outlined below:
- Chapter Net Growth. Based on net growth during calendar year as recorded in the ASA National database.
- Chapter Growth Percentage. Based on growth during calendar year as recorded in the ASA National database.
- Up to 50 members
- 50 – 100 Members
- Over 100 Members
- Biggest Chapter Growth Number. Based on growth during calendar year as recorded in the ASA National database.
- Up to 50 members
- 50 – 100 Members
- Over 100 Members
- Recruiter of the Year. Based on the number of new members that joined the chapter due to the individual's efforts during the calendar year and submitted by each chapter. Provide member name and number of members recruited for that year.
- Event of the Year. Based on profit generated, number of attendees, and other notable metrics. Provide event name, date, profit, attendee number, other relevant and quantifiable information.
- Community Service Event. Provide event name, date, pictures, purpose, organizational partners, goals achieved.
- Best Education Event. Provide event title, date, number of attendees, and other notable successes.
- Best Media Coverage. Can be any media coverage. Submit video(s), image(s), or article(s).
- Extraordinary Young Leader Award. Recognizes members under 40 years old. Based on contributions to the chapter during the calendar year. Submit name, company, title on board (if any), and a paragraph highlighting their contributions to the chapter.
- Above & Beyond Award. Recognizes members whose efforts went above and beyond traditional volunteer efforts (contribution of time, money, expertise, physical labor, etc. to a chapter or a worthy cause). Based on contributions to the chapter during the calendar year. Submit name, company, title on board (if any), and a paragraph highlighting which relevant activities warrant recognition.
- First Impression Award. Recognizes a new member who made an outsized impact in their first year of membership. Based on contributions to the chapter during the calendar year. Submit name, company, title on board (if any), and a paragraph highlighting which relevant activities warrant recognition.
- Mentor Award. Recognizes members who focus on workforce development, bringing new people into the construction trades, or new members into ASA. Based on contributions to the chapter during the calendar year. Submit name, company, title on board (if any), and a paragraph highlighting which relevant activities warrant recognition.
Download Chapter Achievement Awards application.
Application Deadline: June 30, 2025.