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This Week in Congress

This Week in Congress This week, Congress returned for a two-week sprint before the August recess.  The House voted on a series of Fiscal Year 2025 spending bills, including Energy and Water Development and Related Agencies; Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies; Financial Services and General Government; and Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and…

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This Week – ASA Carolinas Convention in Cape Fear, NC!

This Week – ASA Carolinas Convention in Cape Fear, NC! Thursday through Sunday of this week, the ASA Carolinas Convention was held in Cape Fear, North Carolina.  Mike Oscar, ASA’s Government Relations Director, addressed the convention with the following topics: Promoting Prompt Payments through Legislative Action A core issue for the ASA in 2024 is…

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House OSHA Hearing

House OSHA Hearing On Wednesday, the House Education and the Workforce Committee’s Subcommittee on Workforce Protections held a hearing on OSHA’s regulatory “overreach and skewed priorities.” Per Subcommittee Chair Kiley (R-CA), “it is critical that OSHA acknowledge and implement feedback from the employers and job creators who are affected by its top-down mandates to ensure…

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Youth Build Funding Announced

Youth Build Funding Announced The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) announced the availability of $99 million in YouthBuild Program grants that are intended to support the delivery of pre-apprenticeships in high-demand industries. These grants provide academic support, occupational skills training and employment services to young people, ages 16 to 24, in communities where they face…

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This Week in Congress

This Week in Congress This week, the House and Senate returned for a quick four-day work schedule and recessed on July 11th for the Republican convention in Milwaukee, then they will reconvene on July 22nd.  Additionally, the House and Senate Appropriations Subcommittees continued to consider FY25 spending bills. Tuesday was a big day for economic…

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FASA’s Preparation Guide for 2024 Natural Disasters

FASA’s Preparation Guide for 2024 Natural Disasters As Hurricane Beryl wreaks havoc in Houston, TX, we remind all ASA members about the Foundation of the American Subcontractors Association (FASA) preparation guide for natural disasters.  The guide cites statistics from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) that 40% of businesses do not reopen following a natural disaster.…

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Senate Advances the FY25 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA)

Senate Advances the FY25 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) On Monday, the Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman Reed and Ranking Member Wicker filed S. 4638, the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2025 (NDAA). The bill authorizes $911.8 billion for military and national security programs at the Departments of Defense and Energy. The bill…

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OSHA Releases Proposed Heat Illness and Injury Prevention Standard

OSHA Releases Proposed Heat Illness and Injury Prevention Standard Prior to the 4th of July, OSHA released the text of its proposed standard for heat illness and injury prevention for indoor and outdoor settings. Elements of the proposal include the following: Training requirements for supervisors, heat safety coordinators, and employees; Developing and implementing a work…

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NAW Circulates a Letter to President Biden to Stop Regulatory Activity

NAW Circulates a Letter to President Biden to Stop Regulatory Activity The National Association of Wholesalers (NAW) penned a letter to President Biden calling for a suspension of regulatory activity so agencies can review the Loper decision and how it might affect their current regulatory projects. Per their letter, “considering the Supreme Court’s recent decision…

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Upcoming Webinar: 5 Secrets to Healthier Cash Flow

Click Here to Register for this Webinar! Upcoming Webinar: 5 Secrets to Healthier Cash Flow On August 13th, 2024, Claire Wilson from Siteline will be hosting the presentation, “5 Secrets to a Healthier Cash Flow”. As a subcontractor, you’re constantly financing your clients’ projects. You’re funding the job and doing the work before you’re paid.…

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