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The House Armed Services Committee Considers the FY25 Defense Authorization Bill

In the FY24 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), ASA supported procurement policies regarding progress payments, cash flow, military base access, PFAS, architectural and engineering services, and wastewater assistance.  Our top priority for this year’s bill is change order reform. Rep. Stauber (R-MN) may consider offering his legislation, H.R. 2726, the “Small Business Payment Performance Act,” as an amendment to the House version of the FY25 NDAA, which would assist small business construction contractors receive timely payment for change orders. Construction firms of all sizes, but especially small businesses, have had to weather the effects of the pandemic and soaring construction materials costs. This commonsense and bipartisan legislation would help ensure that our nation's small business construction contractors do not go bankrupt waiting to be paid for work the federal government ordered them to perform.  We have and we will continue to make change order reform a priority this year.