Christ meeting with his home Congressman, Rep. Alford (R-MO)

Andrew Christ with House Small Business Committee Chair Williams

Thank you for all your hard work!
ASA Testifies on Capitol Hill
On Tuesday, Andrew Christ, current Secretary/Treasurer of ASA National and Chief Operating Officer of Compass Constructors in Kansas City, Missouri testified before the U.S. House of Representatives Small Business Committee. The committee hearing examined the impacts that the Small Business Administration (SBA) size standard decisions have on small businesses in the federal procurement marketplace. The hearing also reviewed how government decisions and red tape can prohibit small businesses from fully participating in federal procurement.
In his testimony, Andrew addressed the latter, offering comments on small business contracting reform within the federal government relating to the requirements for past performance and qualifications, the use of payment and performance bonds, the impact of continuing resolutions (CRs) on small businesses, and the bundling of contracts into Multiple Award Task Order Contracts (MATOCs) or Single Award Task Order Contracts (SATOCs).
Additionally, he addressed ASA’s continued support of H.R. 1740, which deals with bonding requirements for federal water infrastructure projects, and H.R. 2726 relating to change order reform. Finally, Andrew addressed our appreciation to Reps. Stauber (R-MN) and Scholten (D-MI) as cochairs of the Congressional Construction Procurement Caucus. Congratulations Andrew and ASA on a job well done!