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Upcoming Webinar: Mentally Ready to Sell

Join us on August 9th at Noon Eastern for the upcoming webinar, "Mentally Ready to Sell", presented by Terry Kelm from Sunbelt.

There are several components that go into the process of exiting your business. One of the most overlooked, but still very important, elements to consider is the mental aspect from the owner’s perspective. Terry Kelm from Sunbelt Re-sales will be providing a webinar entitled “Mentally Ready To Sell”. This presentation will highlight some of the non-financial aspects owners should be aware of when contemplating the business transition process.

Terry Kelm is the President of Sunbelt Business Broker’s Re-sales program. That program is specifically geared toward assisting business owners with their transition at the end of their life cycle. Terry started with the division in 2003 and became President in 2014. Sunbelt’s Re-sales program works with over 110 trade associations, buyer groups and franchise concepts, and has been a part of several hundred transactions during Terry’s tenure. Terry is a graduate of the University of Minnesota and lives in St. Paul Minnesota with his wife and 3 daughters.