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Mental Health at Work Initiative

May is Mental Health Awareness Month, and this week the Department of Labor is launching its Mental Health at Work initiative, including a new webpage promoting numerous tools and resources. This initiative will advance wellness in the workforce by reducing stigma and increasing awareness of mental health and wellbeing within workplaces; promoting best practices and compliance by employers; and promoting mental health equity and access, especially for marginalized and vulnerable populations.

Nearly 1 in 3 adults had either a mental health or substance use disorder in the past year. Job quality is an important factor in a person’s mental health and ability to access treatment for mental health conditions and substance use disorders. While workplace stress and poor job quality can negatively affect workers’ mental health, workplaces can also provide important connections to resources, supports, accommodations, and benefits designed to improve our mental health and facilitate equitable access to treatment. From construction sites to daycare centers, and from healthcare clinics to assembly lines, all workers need workplaces that prioritize mental health and wellness.