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The House Infrastructure Bill

This week, the House considered a $715 billion package of infrastructure bills that would provide policy language for a broader bipartisan bill.  Transportation and Infrastructure Chair DeFazio said "our numbers are very close to the bipartisan deal negotiated in the Senate, but of course, their bill lacks policy. Our bill has the policy we need to move into the 21st century."  The five-year House bill (HR 3684) includes $343 billion for roads, bridges, and safety and $109 billion for transit as well as $95 billion for freight and passenger rail. The version of the package heading to the floor this week will also include a $51.25 billion bill authorizing wastewater spending (HR 1915) and $117 billion on drinking water (HR 3291).  The bill would spend $294.8 billion, over the next ten years.  Over five years, it would include a $136.1 billion increase, a 46% increase over current levels.